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Online Dog Training Courses & Lessons

ABT-Plus offers a simple solution of accessing dog training courses online, from anywhere in Australia. Perfect for those that live remotely, or simply want to train their dog in their own environment, at a time that suits you both.

Our training courses focus on teaching your dog basic commands and skills, ensuring a well-behaved dog home or in public, that can respond to common obedience cues. Courses cover both puppy and adult dogs and can be purchased as single videos or a full module to cover all aspects of your dog’s training needs.

Why choose ABT-Plus for Dog Training Courses

  • Our courses are created and delivered by a team of passionate and experienced trainers, with ongoing support options to help you with any problems you may encounter
  • Our online dog training lessons provide quality dog training theory in a high quality, easy to understand, video format
  • Select a training course that’s specific to your needs, or purchase the full module – our courses suit puppies through to adult dogs
  • Our online dog training courses provide a service, accessible to all, regardless of location or availability – train in your home, or at your local park, at a convenient time
  • No distractions – training your dog in a familiar environment minimises external distractions – allowing you both to focus, leading to more effective learning outcomes.
  • Online dog training programs provide you with repeated learning experiences, with the ability to repeat as often as you need, giving you the confidence to know you’re training correctly
  • Online training also allows you to progress at a pace that suits both you and your dog, allowing you to focus on challenging areas where required

Dog Training Courses Near You!

Most dog owners have searched “where are dog training courses near me”. At ABT -Plus we believe that every dog owner deserves the opportunity to access high quality training resources, regardless of where they are located, or what availability they may have. Our courses are available for you to train you dog in a familiar environment and at any suitable time.


What types of dog training courses do you offer?

Our training courses provide instruction for dogs of all ages, such as foundation obedience and training skills, pulling on lead, accepting grooming and vet care, as well as specific puppy training.

Are your courses suitable for all dog breeds?

Yes, our courses include training techniques that are suitable to all breeds, types and ages of dogs as we understand every dog learns differently. Our puppy training includes information to help you understand your breed and their natural drives and motivators.

Can I take the courses if I am a first-time dog owner?

Absolutely. Our instructional videos provide all the information you need with extensive guidance and information. Our puppy courses ensure you start off on the right paw from day one, setting up foundation life skills.

How long do the courses typically last?

Remember, it takes 2-3 months to create a habit. Each of our online dog training courses have multiple instructional videos included – most videos are approximately 10-15 minutes in length with multiple short videos to make up each module, this helps break it into smaller more time friendly steps. We recommended each of the stages are practiced for at least 2-3 weeks with commitment to regularity.

How do I access your online dog training courses?

Simply purchase our courses and the video content will be delivered via email immediately. You’ll also have access to our resources, newsletters and staff if problems arise. We are currently taking expressions of interest for group zoom Q & A sessions where you can pick the brains of our experienced behavioural trainers and are looking for suggestions to other support options you would like from us.

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