
Online Dog Training & Behavioural Courses

Our online training courses have been designed to help you set your dog up with reliable training skills and behavioural guides to give you the help and support you need at the convenience of being able to access them wherever you are.
Catering to all dog training & behavioural needs and even including a dog shop to cater for all the modern dog owners needs

Online Dog Training & Behavioural Courses

Our online training courses have been designed to help you set your dog up with reliable training skills and behavioural guides to give you the help and support you need at the convenience of being able to access them wherever you are.


ABT-Plus is an online dog training and behavioural program designed to help with training the foundation life-skills for your dog and to help trouble-shoot behavioural problems that may occur. We trust that our modules will provide in-depth information and our ongoing support options will help you with any problems you may encounter and also help you learn the ways to prevent behavioural problems from surfacing before it all becomes to much.

Our online dog training & behavioural courses cater for all of your dog training and behavioural needs. Ranging from Puppy through to adult dog training, aggression, leash training or ordering dog toys, treats or other supplies online, there is something for every dog owners needs. All available in the convenience of your own home, mobile or other device.

Our courses range from single videos if you were just wanting your dog to accept wearing a muzzle or being groomed, to full training modules for foundation obedience training skills, puppy raising or rectifying a behaviour problem such as aggression.

Our Online Dog Training Services

Experience online dog training from anywhere in Australia with ABT-Plus. Our expert trainers provide comprehensive guidance and support for effective learning and behaviour development, giving you the ability to train in an environment that suits your dog.

Tailored Training for Every Stage

We offer dog training and behavioural solutions to suit your needs. From puppyhood to adulthood, grooming to lead training, aggression to pulling on the lead, our videos and modules cater to every stage, ensuring your best friend receives the best care and attention. ABT-Plus solutions allow you to access the best of online dog training in Australia, developed and delivered by expert trainers.

Obedience Training Excellence

At ABT-Plus, we excel in obedience training for dogs. We focus on positive reinforcement techniques to instil good behaviour in your dog. Our goal is to ensure a positive and trusted relationship between you and your furry companion.

Interactive Online Courses

Discover the benefits of interactive online dog training with ABT-Plus. Train with your dog from the comfort and safety of your dog’s own environment. Our courses offer engaging content and expert guidance, in areas to suit your dog’s stage in life or problem areas. We love making learning accessible, with the ability to repeat as necessary with your dog.

Older Puppy & Adult Dog Training

Tailored for older puppies and adult dogs, our training programs address specific needs associated with their stage of life. Trust ABT-Plus for expert guidance in older puppy & adult dog training, ensuring your canine companion continues to thrive and learn throughout their life.

Our courses

ABT-Plus training module illustration


Starting out on the right paw with your new pup to set them & you up for success.

ABT-Plus behaviour module illustration


Free-shaping training for confidence building.

What our customers say

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.

    Sylvia Faasse

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