
Helping dog & owners live their best lives
anywhere anytime.


Helping dog & owners live their best lives anywhere anytime.

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ABT-Plus has been created by Amy the owner and founder of ABT after years of building and growing a successful business providing dog behavioural training, daycare and other personalised pet care services we wanted to create something accessible for anyone anywhere without compromising quality. ABT-Plus has been created with the intent and goal of being able to help more people with raising well mannered “Pets they can be Proud of” and helping them work through behavioural problems with the support and guidance of experienced trainers. As ABT grows we hope to eventually extend our face to face services but also continue to grow ABT-Plus as there is no limitation to reach anyone regardless of their location or availability.

About online dog training collage


We believe that every dog owner deserves an opportunity to gain access to great resources and quality training information regardless of where they are. We will provide quality dog training theory and information to a high quality in an online format accessible to all. 


We believe in providing a service and option that is accessible to all regardless of their location or availability and we are dedicated to offering a service and quality that can be available online and remain convenient to all.

We plan to continue to represent the high standards of our parent company ABT and reach into the online space to continue to grow both brands and help more people and their dogs.

Our goal is to help as many dog owners as possible to provide guidance and support to help both dog and owner enjoy a happy and long-lasting relationship.

ABT-Plus has been created to reach a broader audience of clients and provide dog behavioural training services in an online space. This will allow convenience and easy access to high quality training programs in line with our parent company ABT.

Our story

Over the years ABT has been running we have become a very popular business and our services have been well received, we have often had clients booking zoom consults or travelling long distances to see us. We understand the distance proves challenging over time and the private zoom appointments are not always practical long-term therefore the goal to come up with a solution that caters for people everywhere and for as many of their needs as possible. 

ABT was founded by Amy after years of working in the Veterinary industry, at this time there was a real gap in the industry and lack of options for pet owners experiencing behavioural problems with their dogs to access help. At this point in time Amy wanted to create something that allowed for every dog owner to access the help they needed to have a “Pet they could be proud of”. As ABT has grown and now involves a team of passionate and experienced trainers we have identified a new gap in the industry with the ability to access online dog training for those who live in remote areas or just can’t find a solution to their dogs problems at an accessible location. From here ABT-Plus was born with a goal to be able to help anyone, anywhere. 

A woman with a dog
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